Scotland – opportunity to become independent

A referendum is scheduled on 18th September 2014 in Scotland based on the Scottish Independence Referendum Bill  which was put forward on 21 March 2013.  The referendum question, as recommended by the Electoral Commission, will be “Should Scotland be an independent country?”.  A simple majority for “yes” would create a separate nation and a “no” would continue the present arrangement of continuing with United Kingdom.

Recent findings from opinion polls suggest that there is a surge in ‘Yes’ votes from 39% to 43% and a decline in ‘No’ vote from 61%  to 57% in less than four weeks.  If the trend continues, Scotland would become free.  It is quite unnatural in the present scenario if ‘No’ gets a simple majority. Those who vote for No are considered as suffereing from  system justification.  The term ‘system justification’  is defined as the “process by which existing social arrangements are legitimised, even at the expense of personal and group interest”. It consists of a desire to defend the status quo, regardless of its impacts. It has been demonstrated in a large body of experimental work, which has produced the following surprising results. System justification becomes stronger when social and economic inequality is more extreme. This is because people try to rationalise their disadvantage by seeking legitimate reasons for their position. In some cases disadvantaged people are more likely than the privileged to support the status quo. 

People of Scotland by opting to ‘Yes’ vote would seize the  opportunity to gain independence, ending the 305-year-old political union with England. With independence, Scottish people would benefit economically, socially and would get opportunities to express their creativity. Those who remember the “wars of independence” led by their ancestors 700 years ago and the sacrifices made by William Wallace would vote for fee Scotland.  As an independent state, Scottish independence would promote nuclear disarmament, and democracy.  Independent Scottish people should promote universal values and work towards world peace in the true sense

Notes: The method of execution adopted by England in the case of Scottish freedom fighter is appalling.  Reported violence of ISIS appear to be less intensive.  To dismiss this torture method as an incident of past may not be prudent, especially when we do not understand the roots and dynamics of violence.

William Wallace led a war of independence against Great Briton. He was defeated and captured. His sacrifice may be understood by details of his trial and punishment.  During the trial, on 23 August 1305, Wallace was taken from the hall to the Tower of London, then stripped naked and dragged through the city at the heels of a horse to the Elms at Smithfield.  He was hanged (after drawn), drawn(fastened to a  wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution) and quartered (chopped into four pieces). After hanging, Wallace was released while he was still alive, emasculated ( removal of the penis and the testicles), eviscerated (removal of viscera i.e., internal organs, especially those in the abdominal cavity) and his bowels burnt before him, beheaded, then cut into four parts. His preserved head (dipped in tar) was placed on a pike atop London Bridge. His limbs were displayed, separately, in Newcastle upon Tyne, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Stirling, and Perth.



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