PLAN International Children Development Agency
Plan directly supports more than 1,500,000 children and their families, and indirectly supports an estimated further 9,000,000 people who live in communities that are working with Plan. They work with ommunities, organisations and local governments in realizing its objectives. Children are involved in all aspects of our programmes, working with adults who have learnt to value their contribution. PLAN is working towards protecting and promoting children’s rights. Plan cliams to be an independent agency, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations.
Nearly 1,100,000 people in 17 donor countries have participated in Child sponsoring programme. An average 80% of donations goes directly to support programmes benefiting children and families.
Indian operations focus on Education, girl child and gender gap. In its official website, there are some exaggerated notes about the status of Indian women.
“A feudal and conservative ethos keeps the women in the region silenced, exhausted, veiled and secluded from birth to death. The Thar has one of the Th lowest and declining sex ratios in India. The girl child is discriminated against, and girls are commonly married off as soon as they reach puberty, when they are sent to the husbands family home and from then on permanently veiled and secluded”.
PLAN received 500K pounds from Slumdog millionaire team for providing education to slum children of Mumbai.